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  • 様々ならタイプがいました
    11:37 June 18, 2024
    I was there on a weekday Monday from 2-5pm.

    Great crowd and great groove!
    Everything was great!

    I've been to two other saunas.
    But I should have been to this sauna.
    It was great!

    I wonder how it would have been on a weekday afternoon?
    It was good!
    Please enter the password in the red area of the picture to enter!
  • あき
    14:39 May 5, 2024
    I went yesterday in a torrential downpour. At the reception desk, I was told that there were not many people there today due to the heavy rain, but there were so many people there that I thought, "Oh my God, there are not so many people? But there were so many people that I wondered, "Is this really so few people?
    If you go to the other place, even if there are many good looking guys, there is a lot of competition and you will not be taken seriously, but here, if you make a move on someone you like, you will be taken seriously.
    Yesterday, I made a move on five guys who I thought were exactly the same type, and they all took me seriously.
    Also, unlike other places in Hong Kong that are too cooler, this place is not cold, has slippers, and you can stay here for a long time. I don't like places that are too cold.
  • あつ
    12:51 May 1, 2024
    I went to this sauna two days in a row. Because I got a free ticket and it was hot in Hong Kong even at the end of April, I went with the intention of taking a shower for a while.

    Even after 3:00 p.m. on a weekday Monday, there were quite a few people there, about 20 in all.
    The clientele seemed to be mostly slim 20somethings, with a few 30somethings and 40somethings, and a few late 40somethings here and there.
    It was a little sad that there were no good looking guys and no able-bodied people, just like yesterday.

    Last time I thought the dark maze was too dark, but today I could see surprisingly well, perhaps because it was sunny outside.
    Maybe the brightness differs slightly depending on the day.

    In my last review, I wrote "highly lewd", but not highly lewd, I thought "low hurdle to approach" was the correct expression.

    It is normal to lightly engage with people you pass in the dark. Even when I turn them down, I touch them a little.
    But many people are satisfied with that, I don't think there are many people who are satisfied with that, or who are willing to continue to engage in a more intense relationship. I think the darkness of the dark part also has an effect.

    I was there for about an hour and received many approaches and greetings,
    I was greeted by a guy in his late 40's who kissed me forcibly, which made me feel sick, so I left early.
  • あつ
    01:20 April 29, 2024
    I hadn't been to Hong Kong in five years and didn't feel like shopping because of the weak yen, so I went to a gay sauna.

    It is located along the main street (Nathan Road) right after Exit A of Mong Kok (Mong Kok). Access is quite good. The location is also easy to find.

    The tenkey at the entrance of the building is on the website as mentioned by others.

    The receptionist was friendly and courteous. You get a free ticket that can be used within 2 weeks if you have ID, but they take down your ID number very well. However, a Hong Kong person who came later showed his ID and got a discount, so I guess they don't care too much about it.

    The interior is simple, with a shower at the end of the locker space and a sauna that leads to a shower. The sauna is connected to the dark area, and the darkness surrounds the rest and locker area. Well, it is not large.

    I went there just after opening on Sunday, and there were about 10 people. The number of people kept increasing, and I think there were less than 30 people.

    The clientele consisted mainly of young guys in their 20s, with a few in their 30s and 40s. The body type was slim and many of them worked out somewhat. I didn't think they were good looking because of their face and body shape.

    I am well aware that each person has his/her own taste, but I didn't feel that they were mainstream Japanese gays. Many of them look tropical or have big and double eyes.

    Both the sauna and the dark part were quite dark, and I could not enjoy the sauna because it was impossible to distinguish people. In the dark part, once your eyes get used to it, you can distinguish people, but it is still a little too dark. The private rooms were especially dark and I couldn't tell what was there. I don't think I would notice at all if a condom was removed without my permission and I was dug out. If I had to say something, I would say that the shower area was a bit brighter and smaller, so I could approach naturally.

    However, the lewdness level is quite high in the store, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that there is a tendency to approach anyone who passes by you.
    My body shape is plump with some muscle and fat, and I do not feel that I would be so popular in Japan, but even so, I was approached by 10 people in less than one hour of my stay.
    I would recommend this place for those who want to vent their sexual desires for the time being, but it is still too dark, so I had the impression that it would be difficult to get down with the guts of the crowd. Once again, I was made to think that Japanese cruise clubs are better for Japanese people.
  • M
    15:34 March 26, 2024
    I paid HK$160 for 2 tickets and went twice (more than twice!). I wrote my passport number on the second free ticket, so you need to bring your passport for both times. Both times were on Saturday and Monday evenings, but the weekend was very full and the locker rooms and showers were crowded. Well, too many people means too many chances, but too many is too much, too. The month of May was not as crowded as the weekends, but it was getting more and more crowded. When I entered the dark room, I went to the back right aisle where there was a peephole, and I saw someone. He seemed to like my slim, muscular body, so he quickly took me to a bed-like area with no door, pushed me down on it, put lotion on me, and started rubbing my breasts. There was no door, so before I knew it, some guys were watching, touching my body, and it felt so good I couldn't control my moaning. I think it was a good thing that I had worked out my upper body to some extent, even though it was dark and I could not see their faces well. And when we showered at the end of the session, he suddenly touched my breast and we both hugged and touched each other under the shower.
  • 08:33 March 17, 2024
    I entered the building and took the elevator to the second floor. When I first took the stairs, I found GG Leisure, another gay sauna. It was in the same building.

    You need a key number to enter the building.
  • けい
    01:56 January 16, 2024
    I visited this sauna on Sunday evening around 4pm.
    Passport required. For some reason I got in for $140.
    There were about 25-30 people in the sauna, and most of them were big to overweight, which was a little disappointing to me because I like slim, and fit guys.
    However, as I was hanging around, I saw a guy with slim muscle and we waited for a private room to open up and then played.
    I didn't know because we didn't talk until afterwards, but it turned out that we both were Japanese!
    I didn't expect to have fun with a Japanese when I came to Hong Kong, but he was my type, so it was a good memory for me.
  • いちにー
    15:35 January 3, 2024
    I went there on January 2 with a free time for a connecting flight.
    I stayed there from about 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
    You need the four-digit code that others have written about at the entrance to the building and at the entrance to this sauna (2nd floor), respectively.
    The receptionist told me that $100 was enough to enter, and indeed I was able to enter for $100.
    I don't know if it was the New Year's price or if I looked young (I have a rather baby face, but I don't work out),
    Maybe I was the receptionist's type.
    I was lucky anyway. I was in transit, so my luggage was big,
    When he found that my bag would not fit in the regular locker, he exchanged it for a larger one,
    The staff was very friendly and helpful.
    The facilities are not large, but I think they are clean and neat.
    There is a steam sauna, condoms and portable lubes in each private room, and mouthwash.
    Bath towels can be exchanged for new ones if you ask the staff.
    Hong Kong is mainly closed on Chinese New Year's Day, so only New Year's Day is closed,
    I was told by a Hong Kong friend,
    I guess because it was a weekday night, there were about 15 to 20 people in the building.
    There was a wide range of ages and body types, I had a good time in spite of the small number of people.
    The location is very convenient, right outside Mong Kok station.
    I will go back again.
  • 裸の大将
    00:11 December 31, 2023
    Saturday 5pm-7pm.
    The sauna was busiest around 5pm when we entered.
    On weekends, the peak time is supposed to be a little earlier.
    There were 30 or 40 customers in the venue, which is not very large.
    Mostly in their 30s to 50s.
    Various body types from slim to stocky.
    About 1/3 of them are well-trained.
    Most of them have a natural body shape suitable for their age.

    Lubes and condoms in the private room.
    Butt shower in the bathroom.
    You get a new towel when it get wet.

    As others have mentioned, the customers are aggressive and lewd.
    When passing each other, they touch each other... It is good manners to touch them back!? I think I touched almost half of the guys in the sauna!
    Many of them were somewhat small, though. We moved to a private room and had fun while also checking their roles.

    Also, the shower is also a hotspot. Here, too, I was touched and touched by several people. Hong Kong culture? Many people pee while taking a shower, so if you like to play with urine, you can do that too.

    If you are looking for a young beautiful guys, this place is not for you.
    If you are proactive, you will not feel lonely here.
  • ゆうき
    11:23 December 15, 2023
    The dark maze was really dark.
    But there was a red light in private rooms.
    You should definitely pump your chest up.
    I recommend playing quickly and getting out quickly.
    The receptionist was friendly.